Read an article featured in Runner’s World on “Gender-Specific Injury Prevention” featuring research from our lab. Dr. Ferber states that our research clearly shows “that if a runner is injured, they should be receiving a sex-specific analysis to determine the root cause of their injury.”
Kinesiology researcher Reed Ferber, PhD, has been announced as the recipient of a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Discovery Accelerator Award. According to NSERC the Accelerator Award provides additional funding, paid over three years to scientists who are “highly rated in terms of originality and innovation and whose high-risk, novel or potentially transformative concepts and lines of inquiry, are likely to have impact by contributing to groundbreaking advances in the area.”
Ferber’s groundbreaking idea is all about big data and an international approach to running biomechanics research that shares data from thousands of runners from around the world.. Ferber’s international network already includes 35 clinic and 12 research partners who use his 3D approach to gait analysis. “I think a lot of people would argue that biomechanics research hasn’t really moved forward in the last 30 years,” says Ferber. “I think what NSERC is looking for, is for us to accelerate our international collaborations. Most labs simply function in isolation and you might have two labs collaborating. This approach is a way to really accelerate and to get more researchers involved using a common data set, which is a very novel idea I think.”
Read more here.
Shopping for new running shoes this spring? With conflicting studies about which type (motion control, minimalist) helps reduce injury, it’s hard to figure out the best pair to pick. Find tips here.
With research beginning in 2010, Dr. Ferber and his team have patented a revolutionary way to scientifically determine the correct shoe for you: The LAST device (Length Arch Shape Technology).
Choosing the right running shoe has never been easy. Read more on the running shoe debate.
Insightful and inspirational advice from the world’s best running experts.
If a treadmill is a valuable part of your running life, consider these strategies for keeping your body healthy and your brain happy.
Before you think of changing your stride—which can take anywhere from eight weeks to six months—try some simpler ways to protect your knees during runs.
A Calgary team’s cutting-edge 3-D modelling system diagnoses, treats, and even predicts runners’ injuries. Read more.
Stress fractures are one of the top five injuries for runners, and female runners are reported to be at significantly greater risk, with several studies reporting a twofold increase over men. The tibia (shin bone) is the most common site of stress fractures, accounting for nearly 55% of total stress fractures reported.