  • Existing Appointments

    Note: Confirmation email required.

    A successful booking of an appointment requires notification by a confirmation email sent by our booking system. If you do not recieve a confirmation email (or think you have booked an appointment but have not yet recieved a confirmation email) please contact the Running Injury Clinic at (403) 220-5193.

  • Biomechanical Analysis [1 Hour]

    Price: $200.00

    This service was developed to help other clinicians and therapists with your injury evaluation. We provide a state-of-the-art scientific biomechanical report of your walking and running gait biomechanics. This report gives your clinician the most scientific and accurate assessment of your gait mechanics and is to be combined with the therapist's clinical expertise. The cost of the Biomechanical Analysis is $200. This cost includes: 1) Scientific assessment 2) Comprehensive final report

  • 3-D Clinical Gait Analysis [2 Hours]

    Price: $400.00

    The Clinical Gait Analysis involves a comprehensive 3-dimensional analysis of your running and/or walking biomechanics and how your atypical mechanics are related to your anatomical structure, muscle flexibility, and strength. We utilize our 8-camera Vicon motion capture system (www.vicon.com) and take scientific measures of strength, flexibility, and structure. A comprehensive and individualized Gait Analysis Report is generated within the first 90 minutes. Specific recommendations are made to help resolve your pain and symptoms. All measurements, analyses, and report generation will be done over a one-time, two-hour visit. No follow-up appointment to go over the report is necessary. **Please be sure to allow an additional hour for review, following your appointment**

  • Running Injury Evaluation [1 Hour]

    Price: $150.00

    An evaluation for all runners to determine the cause of your running injuries through measurement of specific clinical and biomechanical factors. Optimal methods of rehabilitation and prevention are discussed.